Prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis typically develop after a prolonged stasis in the pelvic area (often due to sedentary lifestyle) as well as after an acute infectious prostatitis., after which blood and lymph circulation is disturbed and local immunity is significantly weakened. The use of leeches fairly quickly (sometimes after the first procedure) provides a relief, reduces the feeling of heaviness and pressure. During the diseases of the prostate gland the sexual function weakens. As practice has shown, hirudotherapy is a very effective method in the complex treatment of impotence.
Eliminating stagnation, improving blood circulation and tissue trophism, it deals with the very root of the disease. Leech therapy allows to quickly normalize the blood flow in the prostate gland, eliminate prostate hypoxia, stop inflammation and the development of the infectious process.In serious long-term conditions it is advisable to combine LT with medical treatment (with antibacterial medication and antibiotics). The use of medicinal leeches will provide a good result and protect the liver by reducing the side effects of drugs.