
Leech Therapy Centre UK|Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a healing technique based on a principle of the free and uninterrupted energy flow, which helps to activate the natural healing processes in each patient’s body as well as to restore their physical and emotional well-being. As a certified Acupuncturist, I help patients reduce their stress and anxiety, improve digestive, neurological, gynaecological, muscular and many other disorders, including various kinds of pain. During the treatment tiny needles are inserted into the skin in specific acupuncture points and left for up to 30 mins. Insertion is done in a manner that often patients do not feel any discomfort and  find the procedure very relaxing.


The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) demonstrates many fact sheets. These provide research on a variety of conditions that acupuncture can help with.


The World Health Organisation (WHO) produced a report listing a wide variety of diseases and disorders that acupuncture can treat.


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