
Injuries - Fracture, Haematoma, Sport Injuries, Traumas

Bone Fractures

Is a leech effective for bone fractures?- Certainly, especially with hip fractures. Elderly people with hip fractures usually have no guarantee that everything will grow back together. Actually, at any age and with any fractures, a leech will reduce the healing time – this can be confirmed by many practicing hirudotherapists.

The leech thins the blood and enzymes needed for bone healing are more likely to be delivered to the cells. In addition, the leech has a high anti-inflammatory and regenerating (tissue repair) effect.

Leech Therapy Centre UK|Fracture
Leech Therapy Centre UK|Fracture
Injuries, Traumas, Haematomas

Leeches are very effective in the treatment of any mechanical injuries, concussions, physical traumas and injuries, including sport injuries.Trauma is always accompanied by the destruction of a number of cells (tissue damage), the occurrence of local edema, violation of the integrity of capillaries, the formation of hematomas or hemorrhages.

Trauma can lead to various complications such as thrombophlebitis, post-traumatic inflammation, arthritis, bursitis and many more. In all these cases, the use of leeches can provide a significant relief and often a complete recovery.

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